Do you know what one of my very favorite things in the whole world is?  Words.  I love to learn new words, I love to use new words, I love to share my new words with friends and family. Some may even call me OBSESSED

In other words, I am a LOGOMANIAC

A LOGOMANIAC is someone who is obsessed with words.

So how did such a funny word come to be?  Well, LOGOMANIAC comes from the Greek words “logo” which means “word” and “manía” which means “madness.”

We are mad about words! We are obsessed! This also just means that we really, really, really love words.

People who loved words are also called a philologos and logophiles, which both mean “word lover” from the Greek words “logo” which means “word” and “phile” which means lover. 

So, I am a logophile, philologos, and a logomaniac.  Wow!

And, I am super excited to share my love for words with you. Every week I am going to feature a new word, it’s definition, and two words that mean the same thing, or something very similar.

Then, it will be your turn. Click the color sheet image to download and color an image of your new words. Then, use your new word in a sentence.

Your turn! Download your color sheets and get started!

I can’t wait to share my obsession with you!

See you soon,